About us
It has been Nina's lifelong dream to have her own restaurant. After cooking, waiting tables, and managing restaurants for others, both in U.S. and Thailand, she finally has it. She brings her talents to bear to give you the best possible experience.

Growing up in Thailand.
​Nina grew up in the Lop Buri Province of Thailand, north of Bangkok. Throughout her childhood, there was one thing that could bring together family, friends and neighbors, and that was was good food. Her mother's cooking still brings people from all over her small town to enjoy food and conversation.
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Traveled Around.
​After Nina Graduated high school, she moved to Bangkok. She worked in her first restaurant. She started out as a waitress and she worked hard. Soon they were teaching her how to cook food from the Bangkok region.She worked hard and it wasn't long before they made her the manager. She later traveled to Phucket Province in the south of the country to help her aunt who owned a restaurant. Her aunt taught her alot about food from the southern regions of Thailand. Now she brings what she has learned to you.